Centre d’intégration au marché de l’emploi

Non-profit organization whose mission is the integration of women into the labor market in the Eastern Townships.

CIME was looking for a creative partner to carry out its campaign on discriminatory motives in the workplace, a project funded by the CNESST. Its goal was to raise awareness about the possible reasons for discrimination in the workplace and, ultimately, to deconstruct prejudices.





  • Organisme


  • B2C
  • |
  • B2B


  • Digital marketing campaigns (SEM)
  • Motion design
  • Advertising
  • Scriptwriting
  • Video creation, production, and editing


To achieve this goal, we adopted a campaign concept with a playful and accessible tone: the radar. This concept is carried out in a very colorful and explosive visual signature, which respects the rules of inclusive writing.

The campaign was then deployed on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, to reach the widest possible audience. The marketing strategy in place was to maximize the visibility of the campaign and generate conversions (i.e. booking of workshops).


“The “Mon radar me dit que…” campaign was a great opportunity to get off the beaten track and inform and raise awareness in the Eastern Townships about harassment and discrimination in the workplace. These colorful, eye-catching vignettes on a rather serious subject enabled us to reach thousands of people who will in turn become agents of change in their own communities. Thank you to Standish and the Vega Award for recognizing the importance of working towards a more egalitarian and inclusive society.”